When I was laid off from my corporate-cube-career in 2016 due to “restructuring”, I vowed I would do whatever it takes to never work for someone else again.

After a few failed business attempts, I went all in with selling creative assets on online platforms—which has awarded me a good amount of success on its own—but the daily grind of creating and marketing and maintaining was quickly burning me out. After a few years I thought, there has to be a more effective way to scale my business without drilling myself into the ground.

Through trial and error I learned that in order to do this, I have to give back—to share more of the value I have gleaned from my own journey, so the path I plow helps others in their journey.

Because we all want the same thing—an ideal life full of purpose.

Along the way I’ve failed, refocused, restarted, revised, refashioned, and rebelled ;), but through it all I’m reenergized to perfect my craft, focused on creating products and sharing information that inspires others to live their best life.

Look for more great things to come. If you have any comments or suggestions, please drop me a line below and I’ll do my best to make it happen!

xo, Doni

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